Friday, September 24, 2010

Sister Flowers...writing topics

            6. I chose number six to answer. Tell the story of a memorable childhood experience. Well I dont remember to much from my childhood since its been so long ago. I do remember the first time my dad took me deer hunting in Pennslyvania. My mother is from PA. and my father is from N.Y, about 5 miles over the border of PA. During my childhood we would go back and forth from Ohio to PA. quite often to visit my grandparents. My dad growing up on a farm was a big deer hunter, so he would go back to PA. for deer season every year. Being the youngest out of 4 brothers, at that time I was the only one interested in deer hunting. So my father made plans for me to go hunting with him, he took me to the store bought me the right clothes and got me all ready for the big day. The season opened up on a monday, so I would miss some school. That was always a bad thing because I loved going to school, especially english class. The day before season opener my father and I went scouting in the woods where we were going to hunt. We seen a lot of deer tracks and signs of deer, but one place stood out. I told my dad that I thought that this was a good place. So we found a tree which I could climb up and get a better view of my surroundings. It was a good tree to be in, especially on opening day with a lot of hunters in the woods. Morning came and I was tired, was to excited to sleep the night before. We packed up are stuff and started walking down the road which led us to the woods where I was going to hunt. My father dropped me off close to where I was going to climbup in the tree. It was really dark out still and i was a little bit uneasy about walking in the dark woods by myself, but I did it. I found the tree thet I was looking for, and hurried and climbed into it.Daylight came and I couldnt keep my eyes open, I kept knodding off. And then I heard a noise, which sounded like someone walking thru the woods. When all of the sudden 4 doe ( a doe is a female deer), came running thru the woods right under the tree that I was in. I was in a state of shock, I never had deer come that close to me before. Well they were all doe, and I was hunting for a buck ( a buck is a male deer with antlers) so I watched them go up and over a hill off to my left. Then out of no where the 4 doe appeared again running down the hill in front of me. I watched them for a second, and then I found out why they were running away. The doe were being chased by a buck. This was it, my chance, I waited until the buck made his way in front of me. I picked up me rifle and aimed it at the deer, at this time the deer was about 75 yards away, running. I had to get him to stop, so I yelled '' STOP ''. Sure enough that deer stopped in his tracks. I shot, hitting the deer in the right side. But it wasnt a good shot, the deer went down but got right up and started running. I believe the words " oh shit " came out of my mouth or atleast I was thinking about saying them. I levered another round into the barrel of my 30-30, and took aim and shot again. This time the shot hit its mark, the deer went down and stayed down. I climbed out of the tree and slowly walked down the hill,keeping my rifle pointed at the deer the entire time.I reached the deer and it was still alive, kicking and tearing up the ground. And I believe those words came out of my mouth again. What do I do now? I dont want him to suffer anymore, so I shot him again. Finally after what seemed to be minutes, the deer died. Now what do I do? I reached in my pocket and took out the rope my dad gave me, I tied it around the deers neck and tried pulling the deer up the hill. It wasnt moving, so I told myself that I have to pull this deer up this hill, I gave it everything inside of me. And as my luck was going, the rope broke. Now what do I do? So I buried the deer in some leaves, and went and got my dad , and we pulled the deer out of the woods. Went into town checked the deer in, dropped it of to get processed. I went back to my grandma's house and went to sleep on the couch and sleep the day away.

1 comment:

  1. HI Greg,

    Thank you for sharing!

    Wow, what a story :) I'm glad I was not the deer in this story. My dad used to hunt -- bow and arrow and rifle. I, for one, never went!

    Ms. C
