Tuesday, September 7, 2010

''How It Feels to Be Colored Me''

          I would best compare myself to a robot. I am always on the go, needing little maintenance to keep me running. Being able to show little or no emotions to certain situations. I am able to let things bounce off of me like a rubber ball, and nothing inside of me would be damaged.
         In the job field that I am currently in, I must be able to get over things real quick, without showing any emotions, for they will be taken as a sign of weakness and taken advantage of.
         It seems like Hurston puts masks on to pretend that she is someone else. She also feels like she is being discriminated against too, but she lets those things bounce off of her, and does not get mad.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg,

    You suggest that Hurston puts on masks to pretend that she is someone else. Why? What details does Hurston use to support this claim? In doing so, how does she view slavery? How does she feel among her own people? Among a stark white contrast? Answering these questions may give you an answer if Hurston is not being truthful to who she is.
