Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Questions for Task Two

     1) Dates that you attended school, from grade school to high school?
     2) Average amount of people in your grade?
     3) Education history, schools attended and describe them?
     4) What were some of your memerable experiences from school?
     5) Was school easy or hard? and why?
     6) What was your favorite subject or subjects? and why?
     7) How has your views of education been modified since you graduated?
     8) How has your education connect to your life now? and why?
     9) Do you think school and education has changed since you were there? and how or why?
    10) Did you attend college? if so, what did you major in? why?
    11) Didnt attend college? why not?

        I would start out getting a view of  her school and the surroundings. Then find out about her education, favorite subjects. Then go into her education experience, and how it affected her life then and now. And how does she think education has changed over the years since she has graduated, good or bad. Why didnt she attend college? I think by doing this and asking these question I should be able to get enough to write a essay about my mothers education experiences.


  1. Hi Greg,

    So is your focus about higher education or simply about your mother's educational experiences? I would encourage you to locate a focus as you begin to conduct your interview with your grandmother.

    Ms. C

  2. My focus will be about my mothers education experiences and how she feels that education and schools have changed over the last 60 years
