Thursday, February 24, 2011

Establishing ethos

     I believe that Kenny Chesney has established a great amount of ethos with his audience by all of the awards he has received and the charity work he does. Chesney is an American country music singer and songwriter. Chesney studied marketing at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, TN. He graduated from that college in December 1990, with a degree in advertising.
     Chesney has recorded 15 albums, 14 of which have been certified gold or higher. Over the life of his career, Chesney has been honored with numerous awards from the Academy of Country Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, People's Choice Awards. Chesney has received six Academy of Music awards, including four consecutive Entertainer of the Year Awards from 2005 to 2008, as well as six Country Music Association awards. He is one of the most popular touring acts in country music. The Country Music Association honored Chesney with the Entertainer of the Year award in 2004, 2006,2007,and 2008. Other notable awards include the Academy of Country Music's 1997 New Male Vocalist of the Year, 2002 Top Male Vocalist of the Year.
     Chesney's most recent charity work includes working with the V Foundation. Founded by the late Jim Valvano, the V Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to saving lives by helping to find a cure for cancer. Valvano, former coach of North Carolina State Wolfpack Basketball team, died on April 28, 1993 following a year long battle with cancer. In 1998, Chesney recorded a limited edition single titled "Touchdown Tennessee". The single was tribute to John Ward, a former broadcaster for the University of Tennessee Volunteers' football team. St Jude Children's Research Hospital and the John Ward Scholarship Fund received a portion of the single's sales.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Writing assignment for Feb 10th

On the cover of Cosmopolitan, the highlighted issues that stand out are, 60  SEX TIPS, LOOK LEANER NAKED, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUR GUY GETS ALL QUIET? and ORGASM VIRGINS. Ashley Greene is featured on the cover of the January 2011 issue. She is dressed sexy, in a pair of really short cutoff shorts, tied up white shirt in the front, and it looks like she is not wearing a bra because she is showing a partial breast. And she has a seductive, sexy look on her face. The background is a purplish color, kind of plain. The highlighted titles are black, yellow and white, so they can stand out. The color of the background suggests to me a mellow feeling, with all different types of fonts for the lettering. The audience would be both male and female, because it has some helpful hints for both men and women. Mostly about sex. How to look leaner naked would probably be steered more towards women, since they are more worried about how their body looks. Another highlighted issue is Orgasm Virgins, that I think would attract more men than women, just because of bthe word Virgins. Based on the picture of Ashley Greene, I think a lot of young females would be attracted to this issue because she is sexy and they might be able to get some helpful hints to spice up their appearence. Reaching the targeted audience was easy, Cosmopolitan magizine is mostly about sex and sex sells in todays society. Emotional response would probably vary from one person to another, you might get helpful advice that you like or you might get upset or angry that you will never be able to look like Ashley Greene.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Writing Assignment for Jan 25

     I have chosen an ad from the alcohol beverage called SKYY Vodka. To me in the ad it looks like a well proportioned, very sexy female is lying on the beach minding her own business enjoying the beautiful blue ocean and blue sky, picture perfect. And a well dressed man in a suit comes along and strattles her upper body, in his right hand he is gripping  a bottle of SKYY Vodka and in his left hand he is gripping to martini glasses. Also it seems like the man is trying to expose his package area under his suit pants for her to look up at and see.
    To me I would say that this is treating the woman in the ad like she is a sex object, and the man in the suit on a  hot beach is trying to persuade her one way or another to drink SKYY Vodka and get drunk and possible have sex with him.
     As far as intended audience, I would say it would range from 18 to 45. It centers on middle class people because of the suit he is wearing and the environment that they are in. As for the gender I think the ad is more based towards males, giving them the impression if you can get her drunk on SKYY Vodka then you have a good chance on getting laid tonight. Also it targets the white race, they both seem to be white to me. The location seems to be a remote beach on a exotic island. Also a think that the article is targeting mostly single people or pertaining to the single life, I do not see any wedding bands on either one of the people in the ad.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hello Ms. Chastain, as you know my name is Greg Vanderhoof. I come from a little town on Lake Erie called Sheffield Lake. It is located between Toledo and Cleveland. I have had little experience with reading and writing, until I started college and took English. Now my brain is starting to get overloaded and is ready to explode from all the knowledge that I am learning of course. I am not a big reader but when I do I like reading about famous murders and all that good stuff. I really dont have any strenghts that I know of in reading and writing. Weaknesses, I have a lot, I would say the biggest ones are my lack of being able to keep focused on what I am reading. Most of all I would say the biggest one is unable to put my thoughts into words and being able to write them down.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Formal review of Eglish 100 take two

     Coming into English 100, I was not sure what to expect. I was very nervous, and then you mentioned the word BLOG, that through me for a loop.Not knowing anything about computers let alone a blog I thought I was doomed from the beginning. I have never had to write an essay before in my life that I could remember, so after hearing about all this stuff on the first day, I really wasnt going to come back for the next class. After taking English 100 and with a lot of patience and help, I believe that I am capable of writting some what of a essay on different subjects and people.
     Over the last 3 months taking the class has helped me to understand the different parts that make up an essay, such as the introduction, body, conclusion and probably the most important part, the thesis.
     After I understood the blog I started enjoying using it. It made it easier for me to put my thought and words down on paper, which I have had a very hard time doing ever.I could also go back at anytime and read over what I wrote and make any changes or corrections that I needed to make. I do believe that being modernized and introduced to the blog has made it a lot easier for me to write.
     To me a journal and a blog are simuliar, except with a blog you dont have to deal with the mess of papers and pens. And using the blog I get practice typing, something that I have not had to do much in the past.
     I would like to see less writing assignments in English 104, it was hard for me to concentrate on writing an essay, when I had to go back and deal with different reading and writting assignments. I have a hard time doing two things at once, I believe that it might have to do with my old age. Also, not so many Task papers, I will hope and pray that their will only be 3 in English 104, or I can see my brain overloading and exploding.

Self evaluation for Task Four

1.What is the thesis for my paper? The different knowledge and power that you can gain through reading and writing.
2. List the main points you make in your paper? The main point that I tried to make in this essay, was the importance of learning how to read and write. Without having that capability you will have a very hard time succeeding in anything you try to accomplish in your life these days. The knowledge that you can get from reading and writing is endless.
3. The most helpful advice I received from my peer review? That my rough draft was messed up, basically I had everything backwards. I was concentrating to much on Fredrick Douglass's life and missing the whole subject of Task Four. So the night before Task Four was due I changed everything around and switched to concentrating on Eudora Welty's essay.
4.What was the most helful info. I received in class for this paper? That it was going to be very simaliar to Task Three in a lot of ways.
5.How many drafts? 3 drafts, 2 using Douglass and then the final using Welty. I write everything down on paper first, then I go over it and put it on the computer.I pre-write everything first in outline form before I put it on the computer. It usually takes me a couple of days to write down everything, then a couple of hours to put it on the computer.
6. Again I had problems with the conclusion, maybe with a little more time I could of written a better ending.
7.I was comfortable with the essay, had a lot of rushing around since I change everything at the last moment.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Questons for Refection and Writing......Fredrick Douglass

Answer to question 2..
    I think my history of education is just the opposite of Fredrick Douglass's. Douglass always had people trying to stop him from learning how to read. He had to teach himself how to read with very little material, without people knowing. His master did not want him to learn how to read or learn any type of education. Because to his master knowledge was power and he did not want any of the slaves to have power.
   On the other hand, I was tought how to read at a young age by several people at school. In order to get any place in the world today you have to know how to read. The one simularity between Douglass and myself is, Douglass had Mrs. Auld's teaching him how to read and his alphabet at a young age. When I had my mother teaching me and making me read for her every night after dinner or before bed. Nobody forced Douglass to learn how to read, he did it on his own. Where in some cases when I was young I had to be forced to read, I did not like to read in my younger days.