Thursday, February 10, 2011

Writing assignment for Feb 10th

On the cover of Cosmopolitan, the highlighted issues that stand out are, 60  SEX TIPS, LOOK LEANER NAKED, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOUR GUY GETS ALL QUIET? and ORGASM VIRGINS. Ashley Greene is featured on the cover of the January 2011 issue. She is dressed sexy, in a pair of really short cutoff shorts, tied up white shirt in the front, and it looks like she is not wearing a bra because she is showing a partial breast. And she has a seductive, sexy look on her face. The background is a purplish color, kind of plain. The highlighted titles are black, yellow and white, so they can stand out. The color of the background suggests to me a mellow feeling, with all different types of fonts for the lettering. The audience would be both male and female, because it has some helpful hints for both men and women. Mostly about sex. How to look leaner naked would probably be steered more towards women, since they are more worried about how their body looks. Another highlighted issue is Orgasm Virgins, that I think would attract more men than women, just because of bthe word Virgins. Based on the picture of Ashley Greene, I think a lot of young females would be attracted to this issue because she is sexy and they might be able to get some helpful hints to spice up their appearence. Reaching the targeted audience was easy, Cosmopolitan magizine is mostly about sex and sex sells in todays society. Emotional response would probably vary from one person to another, you might get helpful advice that you like or you might get upset or angry that you will never be able to look like Ashley Greene.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg,

    Why did you choose to analyze Cosmo's cover :) Not a bad start. I don't know if this is something you are interesting in using for the second paper; however, my advice in terms of persuasive appeals -- is take into consideration the title of the articles, the color, the model on the cover. As far at the target demographic, you don't clearly define an audience. I'm aware that you are focusing on women, but what about the other categories that we have talked about:

    1) Age
    2) Gender
    3) Race
    4) Social Class

    Pathos may seem easy to analyze, but it isn't. These persuasive appeals - ethos, pathos and logos - ask you to take into consideration many things. For instance, after you identify the target demographic of Cosmo, think about why women might want to read "Orgasm Virgins," "60 Sex Tips" or "Look Leaner Naked." What do these articles have in common? Which gender has to modify their bodies for another's consumption or wants and needs? Think about these things.

    FYI: Ashley Greene plays Alice in the Twilight series. This may also help identify your target demographic.

    Ms. C
