Monday, October 25, 2010

'Savage Inequalities; Children in American's Schools

     - Do you think our education system is effective, or do you think changes need to be made?
       My answer to this question is, I think that education can be effective if it is taught right, and by a teacher who is educated in the subject that they are trying to teach. By this I mean there are certain subject that need to be stressed upon. Those subjects should be taught at a level that everyone tha is being educated in that subject can understands it. There are a lot of students that pick things up real quick, and on the other hand , there are alot of students that have a difficult time at everything  that they try to learn or do. These are the students that fall behind, or do poorly in the class. Eventually these student tend to get frustrated and give up, either they drop out of the class or in some cases quit school altogether. Eduction is only effective if all the student can learn from it. I also feel that education is more effective when it is taught  in a stable environment. Not in a classroom where student have to worry about bomb threats, peer pressure,drugs and violence. These can only have a negitive affect on the students ability to learn, or this will sway them not to attend school at all.
       I think that changes should be made in some of the subjects that are being taught. Back when I was in high school I was taught a lot of things that I never used after graduation, such as American History, World History and math. Some of these subjects are manditory and I dont think that a student should have to waste their time and money learning them.

1 comment:

  1. HI Greg,

    From what I read of what you have to say in regard to other subjects, I question the grade level. Are you recommending this of MS, JH, HS, or college? If college, why do you think that it is required that students take courses in history, science, English, and math? I think that it is important to consider the role of technical school as well. What are the difference between tech school and college?

    Ms. C
