Friday, November 19, 2010

Questons for Refection and Writing......Fredrick Douglass

Answer to question 2..
    I think my history of education is just the opposite of Fredrick Douglass's. Douglass always had people trying to stop him from learning how to read. He had to teach himself how to read with very little material, without people knowing. His master did not want him to learn how to read or learn any type of education. Because to his master knowledge was power and he did not want any of the slaves to have power.
   On the other hand, I was tought how to read at a young age by several people at school. In order to get any place in the world today you have to know how to read. The one simularity between Douglass and myself is, Douglass had Mrs. Auld's teaching him how to read and his alphabet at a young age. When I had my mother teaching me and making me read for her every night after dinner or before bed. Nobody forced Douglass to learn how to read, he did it on his own. Where in some cases when I was young I had to be forced to read, I did not like to read in my younger days.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Experiences with reading and writing

      Growing up reading was not my favorite thing to do. As a matter of fact, I believe I only read three books the whole time that I was in school, reading ws very boring to me.The stories that were in the books seemed to go on and on, I would always lose interest real quick. As I turned older, I started to read more often. Short stories are my favorite. One of my favorite set of books are Chicken Soup for the Soul.( And of course if you ask me in front of people I will deny it.) I also like reading books about famous murderers and criminals. At the present time I am reading a book called American Murder, Criminals, Crime and the Media. I is written by Mike Mayo. Its about America's most infamous psychopaths, assassins, criminals and villians. It consists of about 300 short stories.
        Writing was something I avoided to. The essays that I have done in English 100 are probably the most that I have wrote in 25 years. It is hard for me to put my thoughts done on paper, but after taking English 100, it made it a lot easier for me to do. Taking this course i was worried, English was probably one of my worst subjects in high school. I figured that I was going to have a hard time taking English in college, but to my surprise it has been a good experience. I was not sure that after 25 years of being out of school, that I was going to remember anything. A lot of stuff has changed in those 25 years. I never had to write an essay or even any kind of a story that I remember back in school. We didnt have computers either, so when you mentioned the word blog, I was lost in space.I have learned a lot and enjoyed the past 3 months.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Self evaluation for Task Three

    What is my thesis? Under Botstein's proposed system, a 16 year old  would fail in society today. It is essential that the system stays the way it is, and students graduate at eighteen.  This would allow them  to continue maturing and learning. At this pointthe economy could possibly be more prepared to provide them with jobs.
    Main points? That 16 year olds are still immature, their brains are still growing and lacking knowledge. They should stay in school the full 4 years of high school. This might give them the knowledge and training they need to go out into the work force and get a good paying job.
   Most helpful advice from peer evaluation? That I need a title for my essay, and that my cites was wrong.
   Most helpful information I received in  class? I would say that it had to do wiyh learning how to summerize the essay into my own words. That was kinda of a starting point for me, on writing the essay.
  I wrote two drafts of this paper, took down lots of notes, 5 minute outline in workshop, and put i all together as a rough draft.
 I am still having problems with run on sentences and fragments. But my biggest problem seems to be writing the conclusion.
 The thing that pleases me the most is how much I have learned to put my words and meanings down on a piece of paper. Before I started English 100, I was a lost puppy with writing down thing. and of course getting a good grade, thats very pleasing to me.